I believe that everyone has seen the country the smart product developer charm launch first smart adult Smart Mini Vibe body, small today make a detailed evaluation of this product, from product features to the experience, so that we have a real understanding of the product.
This article from digital editing Union GPA--geek Panda (Twitter ID) submission
In order to achieve a more realistic effect, make all of this evaluation tool: Smart Mini Vibe, yogurt cups, glasses, iPhone 5s local gold one Android as well as spectators by little green men.

First of all, we need to open the Smart Mini Vibe, the power button in the Central fuselage, long press power switch/button for 2 seconds to boot, while LED lights gradually brightening effect, motor vibrates for 0.5 seconds. Paul Frank iPad Air 2 Case

Then scan the QR code on the box and download the official App, open the official software after the Magic Motion, tip Bluetooth connection.

Open the phone's Bluetooth, press power on switch/key to boot, and then unscrewed clockwise, long press pairing button for 3 seconds, you can see the Smart Mini Vibe LED light is flashing at 0.5-second interval, click the refresh key Magic Motion application to pairing request prompt appears, click OK.

Match when the connection is successful, Smart Mini Vibe LED indicator Flash 2s, then LED indicator stops flashing and becomes highlighted.

Function introduction

When the connection is successful, Magic Motion applications will have a puzzle like icon on the lower left, Magic Motion applications used with Smart Mini Vibe can provide sound, frequency, gravity, custom control models such as vibrations, manual controls, and gaming.

In iTunes, users can move their favorite music into Magic in Motion can also be controlled by FTP, WIFI and other tools into the music.
When running in the background when the user placed the Magic Motion, voice chat Smart Mini Vibe can control vibrations, louder, vibration frequency, the greater. In order to give users a more intuitive understanding of the functionality, small recorded a play in the Canon of classic music under, Smart Mini Vibe vibrating frequency changes.
Smart Mini Vibe music vibration video
Voice control mode

Frequency converter control modes

Smart Mini Vibe based on length frequency, a total of 9 frequency modes, more experience, please watch the video. Paul Frank iPad Air 2 Case
Smart variable frequency control Mini Vibe video
Gravity control mode
According to the gravity sensor cell phone, Smart Mini Vibe can transform according to size frequencies.
Smart gravity control Mini Vibe video
Custom control mode
Manual control mode
Vibration frequency can be manually adjusted.
In addition, as an adult, Smart Mini Vibe can of course from traditional phone software directly on and opens the Magic Motion, short press the power on/toggle keys to enter the first shock sequences, then short press to enter a second motion sequences, and so on, in the video above of 7 kinds of vibration modes you can cycle through.
Smart Mini Vibe in the power on State, LED led slow flash at 2 second intervals, within 5 minutes if you do not select a specific vibration sequences, automatically shutdown; also can switch button for 2 seconds press power on/off.
Evaluation summary
In 2014 international electronic consumption exhibition (CES2014) end Hou, intelligent equipment of development reached has a new of climax, in the big manufacturers has into can wear market Hou, common of intelligent watches and intelligent hand ring with quality of very serious, function also relative compared single, this times evaluation of Smart Mini Vibe as a paragraph adult supplies, sword go slant, in domestic market get has is big of concern, although United States adult supplies market has very mature, But at home adult business has just started, and the reason is consumer attitudes are different. In the explosive development of the mobile Internet, domestic consumer spending habits gradually changed, with products such as Taobao, the app, believe Mac technology to launch the Smart Mini Vibe to play a special market.
Digital bitch boy
Should the majority of users requirements, small invited digital base men and two major lead Chen Xiaoshu and Xueliang Li Smart Mini is to experience the Vibe of this product, and evaluated.
New tree view:
Pretty good stuff, but doctor Lin asked male female? My advice: since it is a remote-control version, why not do even a little bit? So it would not be a home appliance products, and daily necessities.
Xueliang Li:
My bright this words rather than from personal experience, as a male cannot defy on but when I hold them in your hand when shock sensation is just one word: hemp, hemp, and you hold your Commission. I think it can adjust the frequency, but is that a few fixed-frequency, with long did definitely not fresh, if you can define what nine shallow depth, two deep and two shallow, that's powerful, or call automatically changes frequencies to meet demand is also very good for you.
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